Behaviour Support

Understanding and addressing behaviours of concern

occupational therapy session - male carer and nurse surround woman holding inflatable red ball

Expert Behaviour Support Solutions

Our Behaviour Support Practitioners will work with you and those who support you to reduce the occurrence and impact of behavioural concerns. The strategies we develop are individualised to your situation and are based on thorough assessment. Strategies to support you may include changes to the physical environment, communication strategies, and skill development programs.

The benefits of Behaviour Support Services

Discover the benefits of specialised NDIS behaviour support services, tailored to address and positively transform behavioural challenges.

Behaviour support enhances emotional skills, empowering

people to effectively understand and manage their emotions for calmer, more measured responses in a variety of situations.

Our services focus on transforming behaviours of concern into constructive actions, using positive reinforcement techniques to create a more harmonious

and fulfilling daily life.

Enhancing social interaction skills is a key aspect of our behaviour support. It helps to forge stronger social ties and boost active participation in community life, thereby enriching relationships and social experiences.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Issues Does Behaviour Support Address?

Positive Behaviour Support addresses a range of issues, including aggressive or self-injurious behaviours, repetitive or ritualistic behaviours, and behaviours that may lead to social isolation. It also helps with behaviours stemming from anxiety, communication difficulties, or sensory sensitivities.

How Do NDIS Participants Access Behaviour Support?

NDIS participants can access Positive behaviour Support by including it in their NDIS plan. They can discuss their needs with an NDIS planner or coordinator, who can then recommend appropriate behaviour support services. These services are then accessed through NDIS Providers such as See Changes, that specialise in Behaviour Support.

Can Family Members Be Involved In The Behaviour Support Process?

Absolutely. Family involvement is often crucial in the behaviour support process. Families can provide valuable insights into the person's needs and behaviours, and their participation can help ensure consistency and effectiveness of the strategies implemented at home and in other settings.

What Role Do Behaviour Support Practitioners Play?

Your See Changes Behaviour Support practitioner is a trained professional who assesses your needs, develops and implements support plans, and monitors progress. They will work collaboratively with you, your family, and other support workers to ensure a holistic and effective approach to managing behaviours of concern.

Is Positive Behaviour Support A Long-Term Solution?

Positive Behaviour Support is designed to be a long-term solution. It focuses on understanding the root causes of behaviours and developing sustainable strategies. While some changes may be noticed quickly, the goal is to achieve lasting improvements in behaviour and quality of life.

Ready to see some changes?

Simply fill out our Get Started form. We look forward to matching you with a See Changes practitioner in your area for amazing in-home support.