Enhancing Communication: The Transformative

Power of Speech Therapy at See Changes


Hello and welcome to our insight into speech therapy – a key part of empowering communication for everyone. At See Changes, we're dedicated to enhancing speech and language abilities, especially for our communities along the beautiful coast of Northern NSW. Speech therapy is more than just treatment; it's a journey towards clearer communication, stronger connections and improved eating and drinking. Our team is here to guide and support, whether it's aiding a young person to express their thoughts or assisting adults in regaining speech skills. Let's explore together the transformative benefits and tailored approaches of speech therapy, a cornerstone of the supportive services we offer at See Changes.

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is a specialised form of care focused on helping people improve their communication skills. It's not just about speech clarity; it also encompasses language understanding, social use of language, and even swallowing disorders that can lead to issues with eating and drinking. Our therapists at See Changes are experts in identifying and treating a range of speech and language challenges across NSW, ensuring that each person we work with can express themselves to their fullest potential and eat and drink safely.

Benefits of Speech Therapy

Speech therapy offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond improved speech clarity. At See Changes, we witness these transformative effects first-hand:

Enhanced Communication Skills: Effective communication is key to self-expression. Our speech therapy helps our clients articulate their thoughts and needs more clearly, fostering better interactions with those around them.

Safe eating and drinking: Our therapists work closely with clients to assess and address any difficulties related to swallowing or oral motor skills. By tailoring strategies and exercises, they help clients improve muscle function and coordination, reducing the risk of choking or aspiration. This proactive approach not only enhances safety during mealtimes but also promotes a more enjoyable and independent eating experience, contributing significantly to overall quality of life.

Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem: There's a strong link between communication and confidence. As our clients experience improvements in their speech and language abilities, we often see a corresponding rise in their self-esteem and willingness to engage socially.

Improved Social and Academic Performance: For children and young adults, particularly, enhanced communication skills can lead to better performance in school and more fulfilling social interactions.

Support for Diverse Needs: Whether it's a child with developmental delays or an adult recovering from a stroke, our speech therapy services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, reflecting the diversity of our Northern NSW communities.

These benefits collectively contribute to a richer, more connected life experience for our clients.

Speech Therapy Techniques

At See Changes, we utilise a variety of speech therapy techniques, each chosen to suit the unique needs of our clients.

Here’s a glimpse into some of the methods our therapists employ:

Speech Therapy Communication Techniques:

Articulation Therapy: This involves exercises to improve clarity of speech, focusing on how to pronounce specific sounds and words more clearly.

Language Intervention Activities: These are interactive activities designed to stimulate language development, helping clients enhance their ability to understand and use language effectively.

Voice Disorder Treatments: For those with voice disorders, our therapists work on techniques to improve voice quality, pitch, and volume control.

Fluency Therapy: This is particularly helpful for people who stutter, focusing on developing smooth, fluent speech.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): For clients who struggle with traditional speech, AAC provides other methods of communication, like sign language or communication devices.

Speech Therapy Safe Eating and Drinking Techniques:

Swallowing Therapy: This involves exercises to strengthen the muscles used in swallowing. Techniques like the Mendelsohn manoeuvre or effortful swallow can be used to improve the movement of the throat muscles.

Sensory Stimulation: Techniques such as thermal-tactile stimulation, where varying temperatures and textures are used, can help increase awareness and sensitivity in the mouth and throat, improving the swallowing reflex.

Oral Motor Exercises: These exercises target the muscles in the mouth and throat to improve control and strength. They can include activities like blowing, sucking, and tongue movements.

Feeding Strategies: Speech therapists may suggest changes in food texture or liquid consistency, as well as specific feeding positions and techniques, to make swallowing safer and easier.

Breathing and Cough Techniques: Training to improve control over breathing and effective coughing can help in preventing aspiration (food or liquid entering the airway).

Diet Modification: Recommending specific dietary changes, like altering the consistency of foods and liquids, to make swallowing safer and reduce the risk of aspiration.

Behavioral Strategies: Implementing behavioral techniques to encourage safe eating habits, especially in children or people with cognitive impairments.

Education and Training: Providing guidance and education to caregivers and family members on how to assist during mealtimes and recognise signs of swallowing difficulties.

Each technique is a step towards enabling our clients across NSW to communicate more freely and effectively and to eat and drink with confidence.

Getting Started with Speech Therapy

Beginning speech therapy can be a significant step for many, and at See Changes, we’re here to make that journey as smooth and straightforward as possible. Whether you're exploring this for yourself or for a loved one, here's how you can get started with us:

Initial Consultation: Call us or fill out our Get Started form for an initial chat. We’ll discuss your needs, concerns, and goals to understand how best we can support you.

Assessment and Plan Development: If you decide to proceed, we’ll conduct a thorough assessment to identify specific areas of focus. Based on this, a personalised therapy plan will be developed.

Ongoing Support and Review: As therapy progresses, we continually review and adjust the plan to ensure it remains aligned with your evolving goals and needs.

Navigating Funding Options: We can guide you through the process of accessing NDIS funding or discuss self-funded options, ensuring that financial considerations are addressed.

Starting speech therapy is a step towards empowerment, and at See Changes, we're committed to being with you at every step of this journey.


Speech therapy is more than just a series of sessions; it's a journey towards enhanced communication, safe eating and drinking and a better quality of life. At See Changes, our goal is to make this journey as enriching and effective as possible for each client we work with. By offering tailored speech therapy services, we're not just helping our clients find their voice; we're helping them connect more deeply with the world around them.

If you or someone you know could benefit from speech therapy, we invite you to get in touch. Remember, every step forward in speech therapy is a step towards greater confidence, connection, and community participation.

Ready to see some changes?

Simply fill out our Get Started form. We look forward to matching you with a See Changes practitioner in your area for amazing in-home support.